Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Notes on First Session - July 28th 2013

The Power of Holiness (Read Daniel Chapter 1)

The Babylonians were clever. When they conquered a people they would take the most promising young men (i.e. the future leaders of the conquered nation) and train them in the Babylonian way (1:5). The young people would then become “programmed in the Babylonian way” and would then be used to further expand the Babylonian empire. Britain did something similar in the days of its empire by bringing young men from India etc to Eton and Oxford and Cambridge.

As a young person at the time it would be easy to accept the high status offered (by eating at the King’s table) and pursue a “glittering career” in Babylon. Instead Daniel risked all of this by requesting a vegetarian diet. The person in charge of Daniel could have his life taken away for this, see 1:10.  Daniel would have faced the same risk.

Daniel requested vegetables as Jewish people would have regarded the food at the King’s table as unclean. It was common practice to offer the first portion of wine to an idol and the food would have included ceremonially unclean animals.

For us today it seem strange that someone would risk their life over such a thing particularly when the New Testament (1 Corinthians 8:4) makes it clear that idols have no power. However, to Daniel this was a majorly important heart decision. He would have known that His people had got themselves into big trouble with God by not obeying Gods ways. They were meant to be a Holy people (Holy literally means in the Hebrew language: “Being set apart for a special purpose”). He decided that he was going to be Holy by living according to God’s ways rather than the ways of the Babylonians. He was a fantastic example of the way in which God had intended His people to live.

His obedience and faith in God are inspirational. We can learn much by studying this book and we can achieve many things for God’s kingdom by deciding to life a Holy life. My prayer is that our church will be inspired and changed by the Spirit of God this summer to be “a royal priesthood, a holy nation.” (1 Peter 2:9). Let’s not miss it like God’s old testament people. Instead let us be all we can for God, so that His rule may extend in our lives and the lives of those around us.

Cross Reference to other books

See 2 Kings 23:36-24:7 ;  2 Chronicles 36:5-8

Jeremiah 29:1-23

Leviticus 11

Questions to think on (Please think and post comments on the blog)

1.    Jeremiah gives Daniel and the other exiles a message from God which is to “settle down” (Jeremiah 29:5)  He asks them to be part of the community like Christians today are to be. Often we feel tension between this and the idea of being Set apart for God (i.e. being a Holy people.)  Please say your experiences of this tension.

2.    Suggest practical ways in our culture today of ways in which we can make a stand for God whilst being part of the culture.

3.    How can we help and encourage each other to live a Holy life (i.e. be Set apart) for God?

4.    What do you think the outcome will be if we, as Christians, do not live a Holy life?

5.    If like most of us you find it hard to live a Holy life then read 2 Peter 1:3-11 and meditate upon it. In what ways does this scripture help?

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